Submit music

Get exposed to music lovers from all over the world.
We have been around for over 10 years

  • Music Lovers - Introduce your music to tons of new fans!
  • Worldwide reach - Get more internet exposure
  • Online promotion - Show up in search engines more
  • Voting system - Fans can vote on the songs they hear
  • Exposure - We do interviews, blog mentions, social media mentions and more
  • Music 24/7 - We work just like traditional radio, only online
$ 10

Multi Song Submission

Upload one to two songs to start, then one to two songs a month after. This is a one time fee. No other monthly fees!

$ 25

Gold Package

Upload one to two songs to start, then one to two songs a month after. Get a banner ad on our site for one month. This is a one time fee. No other monthly fees!

$ 50

Platinum Package

Upload one to two songs to start, then one to two songs a month after. Get a banner ad on our site for six months. Get an interview on the site, a blog mention and a social media mention. This is a one time fee. No other monthly fees!